Motivation 101

Do you have a hidden dream or desire to achieve something? What will it take for you to bet on that desire?

I think we have all been in a situation or in a period in our lives where we thought "If I only could do, or work with this... then life would be sooo good!". Maybe you want to start your own knitting business, an online store, or your own marketing company? Your mind starts buzzing and you start planning: how to proceed, what qualities and skills do you need to acquire, what services or products are you going to offer? Then it gets to the point where you actually have to do something about it, or tell others about it.

And then comes the doubt: What will they think? What if it doesn't work? I should just stay where I am, it's safe and sound... When doubt creeps in, so does the Demon on your shoulder, and it's easy to listen to that voice that takes the plans you were so excited about and turn them into a dark wave that sweeps over you.

“Fear is only temperary, regret is forever” - unknown

What motivates me the most?

The choice of turning away from a stabile life, a fulltime job and securities for the future, without knowing what will happen, has not been an easy journey.

My biggest motivation for doing this, is more about my biggest fear: Regret. The thought of sitting there in 20 years and thinking "What if I only had..." sends chills through my body. Because what is one year of trial and error, weighed against the next 30 plus years in an everyday life where you are fine, but deep down you are not happy. For reasons I will not go into, I have especially learned in the last three years that life is short and unpredictable, and that I would rather take a chance and fail than live with a feeling of unfulfilled potential. At the same time, I understand that each person's situation is unique, and not everyone has the same opportunity or freedom to pursue their dreams in the same way. Family commitments or other responsibilities may mean that not everyone can afford to experiment for a whole year +, without knowing if anything will come of it. Find joy and motivation where you can, and if you're happy, a standing ovation for you🌻

There are also many ways to "live a little better", because it doesn't have to be as drastic as giving up everything and investing fully in a new everyday! maybe you want to ask your boss about new responsibilities, start that guitar course you've been thinking about or make some kind of everyday change. As long as you make the choice for yourself, you are well on your way. I am cheering for you!

Do you have a special memory of something exciting you got to experience because you followed your heart?


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